Calculate your net cost.

The net costs for childcare depend on your personal situation. Go to the Tax Administration website to apply for your childcare benefit. Use our calculator for an easy trial calculation of what your net costs would be.


Good to know in the following situations:

If you want to use our toddler care but you are not eligible for childcare benefit, our calculator is not suitable for you. View toddler care rates and find out how to calculate your ow contribution.

Always fill in the calculator with the details of all your children receiving childcare, regardless of whether they receive childcare from Skar or another childcare provider. This is important to do in order to generate a correct and complete calculation of your net costs. The percentage of childcare benefit you receive for your second child (and subsequent children) is much higher in most cases, making the net costs relatively more beneficial for the second and subsequent child compared to the first child receiving childcare. The child receiving the most childcare hours is always the first child for childcare benefit purposes. For more information, please visit the central government (Rijksoverheid) website.

If you purchase a 40-week package and enter the details for this in the calculator, the monthly costs will be slightly lower than what your invoice will be in reality. This is because we invoice in 11 instalments for a 40-week package, while the calculator shows the cost for 12 instalments. If you convert the monthly instalments to an annual amount, you will arrive at the same total cost.

Calculation example: you purchase out-of-school care on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14:30 and you opt for a 40-week package with us. Your total income is between €78,372 and €81,886. The calculator will indicate that you will receive an invoice for €298. This amount is based on invoicing in 12 instalments: €298 x 12 = €3,576 gross on an annual basis. However, the 40-week package is invoiced in 11 instalments. The actual amount on the invoices you will receive from us is €3,576 divided by 11 instalments = €325.

In case of co-parenting, different rules/results may apply when it comes to childcare benefit. For more information on this topic, we would advise that you contact the Benefits Department of the Tax Administration to discuss your specific situation.

Because childcare benefit is income-related, you need to know your annual household income. Household income means the total income you and a possible (tax/benefit) partner earn together per year minus all tax deductions. You can find your household income on your most recent provisional income tax assessment. You can also estimate your household income by multiplying your gross monthly salary by thirteen (twelve months + holiday pay) and deducting any mortgage costs from this. Or use the Tax Administration website for an estimate.

Childcare benefit.

Childcare benefit is a contribution towards the cost of childcare. If you have an ongoing or new contract with us, you can apply for this benefit via the Tax Administration website.

Frequently Asked Questions.

There are a number of conditions you must meet to receive childcare benefit. For example, you have to be employed, enrolled in education, or enrolled in a programme aimed at finding work. Read all the terms and conditions on the Tax Administration website.

If you meet the conditions, you’ll receive childcare benefit as a contribution towards the costs of childcare, with part of these costs to be paid by yourself. The lower the income, the higher the benefit. This could be as much as 90%.

The Benefits Department of the Tax Administration will always pay this contribution into your own bank account. They will never transfer the benefit directly to us.

BOinK, the Association of Parents in Childcare, has developed a number of resources for parents to explain childcare benefit.

If you need help applying for childcare benefit, please contact the tax information line on 0800-0543. You can also use this number to make an appointment with one of the advisors in the Benefits Department of the Tax Administration.

Childcare allowance is paid directly into to your account by the Tax Administration/Benefits Department.
